GO 23 AP Conversion of all KGBVs into English Medium in the State
A.P. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad –
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) – Conversion of all KGBVs into
English Medium in the State of Andhra Pradesh – Orders – Issued
A.P. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad –
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) – Conversion of all KGBVs into
English Medium in the State of Andhra Pradesh – Orders – Issued
From the C & DSE &
SPD., SSA., A.P., Hyderabad Lr.No.637/APSSA/KGBV/A10/215, dated 25.02.2015.
O R D E R:
- In accordance with the provisions of the RTE Act, the Government of India started 352 KGBVs in Residential mode upto Upper Primary Level with a view to enhance access and impart quality education to the girls of disadvantaged groups, predominantly belonging to SC, ST, OBC and Minorities of difficult areas and who are Out Read:-
- of School / Urban Deprived / Single Parent Girl Children. Subsequently, classes were extended up to X class by State Government, so as to arrest drop out of Girl Children after VIII class.
- 2. Out of 352 KGBVs, in 18 schools the medium of instruction in English was commenced from VI to X classes enrolled with Minority Girl Children in the year 2007-08 and the same is being continued. The balance of 334 KGBVs are imparting education in Telugu Medium. The 2464 teachers were engaged in KGBVs @ of 7 teachers, ie., CRTs (Contract Residential Teachers) positioned in each of the KGBVs for all the subjects ie., Telugu / Urdu, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Physical Science, Bio-Science and Social Studies. The CRTs employed in these institutions belong to Telugu Medium and did not have any exposure to English Medium. However, on their own interest and persuasion by higher officers, they learnt and practiced teaching the subjects in English.
- 3. Further, Government observed and noticed that girl children studying in KGBVs should be imparted with communication skills in English Language and felt that these girl children need to be equipped with necessary skills in English so as to enable them to compete with their peers in their future academic pursuits.
- 4. Accordingly, Keeping in view of majority opinions, the State Project Director, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, A.P., Hyderabad vide reference read above, has requested the Government for conversion of all KGBVs into English medium schools.
- 5. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby accord permission to the State Project Director, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, A.P., Hyderabad to convert all the 334 KGBVs as English Medium KGBVs from 6th to 8th classes in the State of Andhra Pradesh from the academic year 2015-16 with the following action plans:
- · The 18 KGBVs of minority children already instructed in English Medium will be included in training of CRTs and other activities proposed.
for 2015-16:
From the academic year 2015-16, the admission
in 6th class in these KGBVs shall be made for English Medium only
and they progressively move to full-fledged English Medium by the time they
reach 8th class and so on.
Medium of instruction for 6th, 7th
and 8th shall be in English.
Students in IX and X classes be allotted to
continue their studies in Telugu Medium, so as not to disturb their level of
preparation for the SSC Common Examination in 2015-16 and 2016-17. Additional classes shall be held for IX class
students for enhancing their English Language skills and knowledge.
to CRTs:
The initial step to begin with,
special focus will be laid on imparting well planned and effective training to
the existing teachers (CRTs). The
existing vacancies shall be filled up preferably with candidates passed out in
English Medium.
GO 23 AP Conversion of all KGBVs into English Medium in the State
As SCERT is the academic authority
for Education in A.P., APSSA need to draw all the possible technical support
and specialized assistance for smooth imparting of training at district level,
right from the selection of Resource Persons as Master Trainers, nuances and
design of orientation to district level trainers, preparation of Glossary of
technical terms in each subject of study, adoption of existing CCE,
finalization of examination pattern etc.
Plan for 2015-16:
All the selected`105 Resource
Persons or Master Trainers drawn from the SCERT will be given Orientation for 3
days at the State level during the first week of May, 2015 in English,
Mathematics, Physical Science, Biological Science and Social Studies.
Further in
the month of May, 2015, all the CRTs who teach above 5 subjects, shall impart
training in 4 centers in Andhra Region and 3 centers in Rayalaseema Region, in
residential mode for 5 days in each subject.
An average 50-60 CRTs will be trained in each such Centre.
with other Stakeholders:
Besides SCERT, agencies like DIETs,
UNICEF, Regional Institute of English, Bangalore, Regional College of
Education, Mysore, British Council, EFLU,
International NGOs like Agasthya Foundation, Ekalavya Foundation etc.
who have excelled in imparting training in English and other subjects, also
will be consulted for evolving system of in-service training or refresher
courses for CRTs periodically.
of Text Books:
There is a total requirement of
177408 Text Books in respect of Maths, Physical Science, Bio-Science and Social
Studies for 6th, 7th and 8th Classes. An indent will be placed with Director, A.P.
Govt. Text Book Press.
Final Examination Pattern:
It is planned to include
full-fledged adoption of existing CCE in KGBVs to increase marks to the tune of
60% in the summative and 40% in the formative components of CCE in order to
strengthen the transition of children from Telugu to English Medium.
Even in the in house examinations,
relaxation will be given in writing answers in Telugu in the formative tests to
the extent indicated below:
During 2015-16, Class VI, Class VII &
Class VIII students shall be allowed to write the subject Papers in Telugu to
the extent of 75%. Balance 25% (covering
multiple choice, fill in the blanks, easy comprehension questions etc.)
mandatorily written in English.
During 2016-17 - 50% in Telugu and 50% in
English Medium.
During 2017-18 - 25% in Telugu and 75% in
English Medium.
Class IX & X students be allowed to continue to take the examination
in Telugu Medium for 2015-16 and 2016-17.
An additional formative test in English Language skills may be included
for class IX students at the KGBVs.
6. The State Project Director, Sarva
Siksha Abhiyan, A.P., Hyderabad shall take further necessary action accordingly.
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