Telangana/TS AEO Grade-II , I&CAD 1069 Posts Notification Public Services – Recruitments – Filling of One Thousand Sixty Nine (1069) vacant posts through Direct Recruitment – Permission to the Telangana State Public Service Commission – Orders –Issued. FINANCE (HRM-I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 2 Dated: 05-01-2016 Read the following:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.275 Finance and Planning (Finance Wing–Surplus Man Power Cell) Department, Dt:14-12-1995. 2. I&CAD Dept., U.O.Note No.7762/Ser.I(1)/2015-2, dt.04-12-2015 3. A&C Dept., U.O.No.6035/Agri.I(1)/2015, dt:29.12.2015. *** ORDER: Government of Telangana have reviewed the Direct Recruitment vacancy position in I&CAD and A&C Departments. After careful examination of the proposals furnished by the Departments and keeping in view the actual requirement of manpower with reference to the nature of work and activities of the department and also the overall financi...
AP, TS teachers Transfers 2019, Latest G.Os, Entrance Exams results 2019