AP RC 25 2015 Date 01-01-2016 Work Adjustment of Surplus Teachers and HMS RC No.25 2015 Dated: 01-01-2016 SUB: School Education- Rationalization & Transfer 2015-Headmasters and Teachers work Adjustment of Surplus Teachers instructions issued-Reg Read: G.O.Ms.No.63 Edn., (Ser.II) Department, Dated:31.08.2015. 2. G.O.Ms.No.66 Edn., (Ser.II} Department, Dated:02.09.2015. 3. CSE Procs. Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015, Dated:03.09.2015, 09.09.2015 and 10.09.2015 4. Video conference held on 11.09.2015 and 12.09.2015. 5. CSE Proc. Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015, Dated:12.09.2015 , 16.09.2015, 22.09.2015 and 26-10-20156. CSE Pro.RC No. 25/Estt-111/2015 dated: 02-12-2015. 7. CSE Pro.RC No. 25/Estt-111/2015 dated:l7-12-2015. 8. G.O.Ms.No.82 School Education (Prog.11) Department, Dated:29.10.2015. All the Regional Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State a...
AP, TS teachers Transfers 2019, Latest G.Os, Entrance Exams results 2019